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Zion Park District

Public Participation at Board Meetings Policy

The Illinois Open Meetings Act provides in Section 2.06 that at meetings of public bodies, “any person shall be permitted an opportunity to address public officials under the rules established and recorded by the public body.” 5 ILCS 120/2.06(g).  In compliance with the Act, the Board of Commissioners of the Zion Park District have adopted this policy to provide the following rules and guidelines for public participation at its meetings.

1. Individuals attending Board meetings must conduct themselves with respect and civility toward others. Abusive, profane, threatening, or harassing language and/or personal attacks will not be permitted. The Board President or Presiding Officer may prohibit further comment at the meeting by a speaker whose remarks violate this rule.

2. The Board shall designate time during the public portion (under agenda item “Guests—Welcome, Comments, and Discussion Items”) of Board meetings for citizens to address comments and questions to the Board of Commissioners, unless otherwise directed by the Board President or Presiding Officer.

3. The Board President determines the order in which speakers will be recognized.

4. When recognized by the Board President, the speaker should begin by stating his or her name. The Board may request but will not require a speaker to provide his or her address.

5. Public comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board President shall have discretion to modify this time limit, as well as to limit repetitive comments.

6. Board members are not obligated to respond to comments from the public. Issues requiring possible action by the Board may be added to a future meeting agenda, and issues that can be addressed by the administration will be noted.

7. A copy of these guidelines will be posted on the Zion Park District website and will made available to members of the public at the entrance to Board meetings.

8. Petitions or written correspondence directed to the Board shall be presented to the Board by the Board President or Secretary at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

9. Minutes are a summary of the Board’s discussion and actions. Speaker requests to append written statements or correspondence to the minutes are not favored. Generally, written materials presented to the Board will be included in the District’s files rather than in the minutes. The Board President shall have the authority to determine procedural matters regarding public participation not otherwise defined in these guidelines.


Adopted by the Zion Park District Board of Commissioners on 07/15/21

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