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Zion Park District Appreciates District 6

At a recent District 6 staff meeting. David Osborne a Director for the Zion Park District made a surprise vist. He presented the Principals of District 6 Elementary schools with appreciation plaques for allowing the Zion Park District Youth Basketball Teams to practice in there gymnasiums for the 2012-2013 season. Because of your support and generosity, all our teams were able to get one practice per week for the entire season. The Principals who receivied plaques were: Beulah Park School – Lynn Butera, East School – Jodie Moss, Elmwood School – Deirdre Garnett, Shiloh Park School – Rick  Basala, West School – Valerie Lampinen. We would also like to thank Superintendent John Ahlgrim who works very hard to keep the communication open between Zion Park District and District 6.

Furthermore, the Zion Park District would like to thank the following sponsors for their financial support of our Youth Basketball Program: Midwestern Regional Medical Center and NuGlo Cleaners. Because of your continued support the Zion Park District is able to offer these sports at a reasonable rate. Thank You.

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